Monday, 31 October 2016

Reflection and Framing Mind Map

Reflection Image Bank

Reflection Image Bank
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Image result for reflection photography


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Image result for reflection photography

Image result for reflection photography

Reflection and Framing Definition

Image result for reflection photography

Reflection and Framing

Reflection - The throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it.

Framing Whether it be a very literal frame (that went through a popular “prop” phase), environmental, or structural framingframing with light or lack of light, they all work well to bring the viewer's eye to your subject. Framing is actually defined by wikipedia as 'a technique used to bring focus to a subject'.
Image result for framing photography

Framing in composition

When it comes to framing a scene, you can also add a compositional technique of adding a frame inside your frame. Having a frame inside your frame adds more focus to your scene– and tells your viewer what to focus on. 

Rule of Third 

Image result for rule of third photographyThe rule of thirds is applied by aligning a subject with the guide lines and their intersection points, placing the horizon on the top or bottom line, or allowing linear features in the image to flow from section to section.

Golden Ratio

Image result for golden ratio photographyThere's one other way to use the golden ratio to compose a photograph. Instead of using the spiral, create a grid like in the rule of thirds, but one that uses a 1:1.618 ratio, instead of dividing the frame into equal parts.

Vivian Maeir Research Notes

  • Known to take photographs with herself in the reflection. 
  • I personally believe that her photography should be considered as art as all photography is art in itself.
  • I like the black and white themes within her photography and think it adds to the artistic style of her images, by 
better showing the tones of the reflection.

  • Anonymous photographer - not recognised until death. 

Surrealism aimed at expressing imaginative dreams and visions free from conscious rational control. Salvador Dali was an influential surrealistpainter; Jean Cocteau was a master of surrealist film.