Friday 14 October 2016

Tone Work Diary

Tone Work Diary


The main focus when taking these image was the formal element "Tone". Above, you can see the unedited images that I took regarding this theme. I think that this shoot went relatively well, however there are one or two images that I took which I particularly like. They are both images that I took of my friend Tia whilst she was smoking outside of college. The first image, featured towards the left hand side of the text, is my favourite of the two. This is because I like the way in which the subject matter (i.e Tia) has been captured. The lighting coming from behind her head catches in her hair, creating some appealing tones to the image. In order to emphasise this, I decided to edit the image in Photoshop, making it black and white and slightly adjusting the brightness and contrast of the image. As for the second image, towards the right hand side of this text, I liked it because it appears very alternative and cold. The camera is focused on the model, leaving the background of the image appearing blurred and unfocused. I also put this image in black and white to emphasise the tones of the image. 

Image result for adam elmakias photographyImage result for adam elmakias photographyIf I am to deal with this subject once again in the future I would really like to take more black and white portrait images, possibly of different age groups and people with different fashion styles and cultures. I'm also rather interested in music photography, as the lighting is always very interesting due to them performing on stage, and I think it would be a great opportunity to take tonal images of the bands, especially if the images were to be made black and white. One photographer who kind of illustrates this idea is Adam Elmakias, who often takes pictures for the alternative music scene. These are two of my favourite images that he has taken of musicians. The image to the right was taken at Vans Warped Tour, and the image above to the left is of Tyler Joseph of the band Twenty One Pilots. I think music photography would be a very interesting career path as there is always so much to capture when a band performs live, so you'd never lack inspiration. 

1 comment:

  1. please put the contact sheet into a separate post.. check on the requirements for a work diary and change the post accordingly..
