Friday 14 October 2016

Tone Image Bank

Tone Image Bank
Image result for black and white the luka state
Image result for black and white leonardo dicaprioImage result for black and white alex turner
Image result for black and white jesse rutherford
This image inspired me on the subject of tone for two main reasons. The first reason is that I am heavily interested in music photography and portraiture, and the second being the way in which the image is lit. I like how the bands set is dark which puts more emphasis on the band members (The Luka State). The black and white filter added to this image helps to emphasise this. 

I found this image inspiring mainly due to the subject matter of the image. It is an image of Leonardo DiCaprio. The tones in this image are rather feminine, and I like the fact that its in black and white. I also like the fact that tone is visible in the background of the image,  rather than simply the subject matter itself. 

I loved this image of Alex Turner as it inspired me a lot. It, like the above image of the Luka State, is a piece of music photography. I love the way in which the photographer has captured Alex in this image; he looks so calm and relaxed. I also like how tonal his face appears, and you can easily see what direction the main lighting is coming from. 

I love this image of Jesse Rutherford and it also heavily inspires me on the subject of Tone. This is yet another piece of music photography. I particularly love this image due to the shadows and tones present, emphasised by the black and white filter that the photographer has used. The dark background of the image also helps to emphasise the lead singer himself.

This is yet another piece of music photography that inspired me on the subject of tone. It is of the lead singer of the band Brand New. I love this image as he seems almost silhouetted against the tones of the clouds in the sky. The black and white filter again helps to emphasise this.

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