Thursday 6 October 2016

Form Straight Images

Form Straight Images

In my opinion, this was one of the best images that I took for form as it shows the form of a tree. This image shows both the many branches of the tree, and all of the leaves in their different directions. 

This was another of my best images for form. I took this image in the studio in college. It features a wooden star that I brought in from home. The form of this image is in fact the star itself, the texture of the wood and the shadow casted. 

This was another of my personal favourites from this shoot. It features my friend Alex draped in lace. Her finger is raised, which casts a shadow over her face, putting more emphasis on the strip of lighting that is visible on her other eye.

I also liked this image that was taken during my shoot. It features Alex's hair and accessories. I like the way in which the light highlights certain parts of their hair making it appear lighter, whereas other parts in shadow appear darker. I also really like how the flowers in their hair look in the light.

Finally, this is the last of my favourite images that I took during this shoot. It features a close up of Tim's face - the facial form. I like this image because of the shadows created and how raw and natural the image appears. 

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