Monday 3 October 2016

Line Straight Images

Line Straight Images

I decided that this image was one of my best ones for line because I liked how the white lines were the focus of the image and how they contrasted against the grey gravel. 

I liked this image because there is more than one type of line present. Firstly, there is the diagonal line of the building agains the sky. The other lines present are the vertical ones on the building itself. I also like the exposure of the image; how the building is dark and the sky appears bright. 

I liked this image as there is one focal line in the centre of the image. It cuts straight across the sky, which gives it emphasis. However I could edit this in photoshop in order to put more contrast between the sky and the telephone wire which would make the line appear more prominent. 

I thought that this image was one of my top five because I particularly liked the human presence in the photograph. Many lines are visible; the line of the elevated pavement, and the lines on the decking. I also enjoyed the muted colour and tones of the image and how neutral it appears; dark, almost.

This was one of my top five images, and is probably my favourite one that I took for this area of work. I like this image because of how the lines of the fence look in contrast with the sky. I also like how lines are also present within the lattice between the bars of the fence. Theres a difference in saturation between the fence and the sky which makes the fence appear silhouetted, which I also like. 


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