Thursday 13 October 2016

Tone Straight Images

Straight Images

I liked this image on the subject of tone because of, mainly, the lighting. this makes certain elements of Alex appear darker than others. I edited this image in Photoshop, making it black and white in order to better demonstrate the shadow and tone of the image.

I decided that this was one of my best images also because of the tone and shadows within the image. One could describe this as a very masculine image, due to there being not a lot of lighting and Alex's face and body being heavily shadowed. This makes the model appear more vulnerable in a sense, although the look on their face does make the image seem somewhat sinister.

I liked this image that I took of my friend Tia because many different tones are featured. I also enjoy the composition of this image; the way that the focus of the camera is on the model, and the background of the image is somewhat unfocused. I made the image black and white in Photoshop and edited the brightness and contrast to put more emphasis on certain elements of the image. 

I liked this image that I took the best. I love the way in which the light catches in the models hair, giving the image an almost ethereal look to it. The model looks up in an almost vulnerable way. One could conclude that the lighting in this image is very feminine as only very little shadow is featured, in the models hair.

I liked this image on the subject of tone also, particularly for the sunglasses in the image. They feature a gradient that goes from a light yellow tone to a dark blue one. I edited my image in photoshop, making the image black and white, but leaving the colour of the sunglasses saturated in order to better demonstrate the tone within the glasses. 

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