Thursday 8 September 2016

Analysing Pictures

Analysing Pictures

Connotations: A connotation is something that one can derive from a photograph based on what is visible, for example if a woman is smiling she's happy, or if a man is holding his hand to his face he may be stressed.

Denotations: A denotation is the literal content of a photograph, what is visible.

Denotations in this picture would be that there is a woman with punk style makeup and she is smiling widely. However, connotations may include that perhaps the woman is slightly crazy, due to the manic, almost sinister look in her eyes. Also, the dark makeup visible on the woman's face also helps to create a sense of malevolence. 

The denotations in this picture are that there is a man with a serious expression holding an axe. Connotations related to this photograph may be that the man is a murderer due to the fact that he is holding an axe, and that he may perhaps be dangerous due to the intense, serious stare that he is giving to the camera. 

1 comment:

  1. excellent... you should also add a section on context however we will touch on this in future presentations....
