Friday 30 September 2016

Pattern Straight Images

Pattern Straight Images

I personally think that this is one of my best images for pattern as I like the level of saturation in the image and the fact that three distinct printed patterns are showcased. I took this photograph in the art department in college, and although I do not know who's art work it actually was, their work greatly inspired me around the subject of pattern. My main focus of this photograph was the pattern in the centre, which featured red roses. 

I felt as though this was another of my best images as I also enjoyed the colour and saturation as well as depth of the image. This image represents pattern through the lattice design that is featured over some other art work. This, like the photograph above, was taken within the art department at college. I found it to be a very inspiring place to capture pattern. I also enjoy how two patterns are demonstrated within this image; the lattice, and beneath it some kind of complicated and artistic pattern. 

I also liked this image for pattern as it demonstrates how pattern can be found in simple every day objects, for example, a light. This light featured a very complicated looking grid style pattern. I like this picture as I think it stands out against the other ones that I have taken as its not quite as colourful.

I chose this image as one of my top five pictures as it features a very simple yet interesting pattern. This composition is made up of horizontal, yellow lines found on the stairs in the art department. The pattern demonstrated here is that of the yellow lines themselves, how the space between them slowly yet regularly becomes smaller and smaller as the steps go down. 

This is possibly my all time favourite image that I captured for the subject of pattern. This is due to the muted, dull colours and how drab and dull the surroundings look. This puts much more emphasis on the blue pattern shown on the building beneath the windows. 

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