Friday 30 September 2016

Texture Straight Images

Texture Straight Images

I think that this is one of my best images for texture as the flowers both look as though they'd be very crusty and decayed and dry, due to the dull browns and the way the light shines on them. They're facing towards the light source in the room, almost as they would if they were living flowers. 

This is another of my favourite pictures that I took for the subject of texture. I like it because of how the dried paint looks against the dull grey colour of the paint palettes. I enjoy both the texture and colour of this image, as it features a range of muted and saturated tones. 

I like this image because of the way in which texture is demonstrated. The way that the light shines on the pavement makes it appear wet, allowing the viewer to decipher that it may have recently been raining. Therefore I believe that this image is very appealing to look at. 

This is one of my favourite images because of the level of texture that is featured. The rope looks so bristly and hard, and the dull lighting helps to emphasise this by accentuating the shadows of the image. The rope is visibly slightly fraying, which could also add to the idea that the rope is rough, difficult to hold. 

This is another of my best images as I like the way in which I have captured the bristles of the paint brush. They appear hard and rigid at the base of the brush, and worn and soft at the end. I like how the focus of the camera was on the bristles and not the brush handle also, as I feel it puts more more emphasis on the texture as a whole, rather than the entire image. 

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