Thursday 29 September 2016

Colour Image Bank

Colour Image Bank

Image result for aesthetic tumblr grungeI chose these pictures because they all inspired me around the topic of colour. I liked this particular picture because of how the model is silhouetted against the sky, which puts more emphasis on the colours. The blues in the sky combined with the subtle pink creates a thoughtful atmosphere, and therefore it is a very nice picture to look at.

Image result for aesthetic tumblr grunge

I liked this picture because it features my favourite colour, purple. I also like the way in which the dark silhouettes of the trees and the white lightening contrast with the purple of the sky. The purple colour gives the image a very mysterious, almost spiritual atmosphere. 

Image result for aesthetic tumblr grunge

I liked this picture again for its blue and pink combination. However, this image is dominantly much more pink than blue, which makes it seem tainted; thoughtful, yet also somewhat loving - it makes you feel like you're thinking of love. 

Image result for grunge photography tumblr

The main focus of this image is the colour green, as seen in the line of plants across the centre of the photograph. Green is seen as a very calming, neutral colour, and this is demonstrated in this photograph through nature. 

Image result for grunge photography tumblr

I liked this image as it featured many more muted colours than the images above. While saturated colours can be nice, sometimes I much prefer images that feature predominantly muted colours. In particular, this image features many muted blue and purple tones, combined with the silhouette with a cat. 

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