Friday 16 September 2016

Line Image Bank

Line Image Bank
I chose these images because they all link to the theme of "Line Photography". Each of the pictures features different kinds of line, and all of the pictures inspire me in different ways.
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The first picture I saw that inspired me was the book with the line drawn across it held in front of the ocean. This picture features horizontal lines, of the ocean horizon and the line drawn across the book that is level with the horizon. I liked this picture because I thought it looked very calm and tranquil, and thought that the concept of the photograph was very clever.

Image result for line photographyThis picture features both vertical and diagonal lines. The black and white filter on this picture makes the fence panelling seem much more striking and important, and also better defines the diagonal lines of the shadows. I liked this picture because it shows two different types of lines and therefore makes you feel a mixture of emotions; the vertical lines of the fence create a sense of importance and power, and the diagonal lines imply movement - the shadows move with the sun. For this reason I think that this is a very nicely composed photograph.
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This picture is also of a fence and features mainly vertical lines that are silhouetted against a radiant sky. The angle of the camera, which is from below, also adds to the air of power and importance communicated through the vertical lines of the fence, as it makes them seem much taller. Also, the way in which they contrast against the sky and appear pitch black also makes them seem bolder and stronger.

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This picture features horizontal lines. The combination of the horizontal lines and dull, pastel colours in this composition help to create a very peaceful, tranquil atmosphere.

1 comment:

  1. very good again, Kia... you are however missing the straight images posts...
