Friday 30 September 2016

Texture Work Diary

Texture Work Diary

My main focus when taking these photographs
was the topic of Texture. In general, I rather quite like the images that I took in response to this topic, particularly the image of the wet gravel and the decaying brown flowers.

I think that my pavement image was successful as the observer can distinctly see that the pavement is wet and imagine the texture due to the level of detail captured in this image. As for the flower image, texture is shown due to the lighting which demonstrates the decay and deadness of the flowers, making them appear bristle and hard to the touch.


If I were to revisit the subject of texture in photography again, I would probably focus more on clothing and portraiture as these are the subjects in photography that I am most interested in. I find portraiture and fashion photography highly interesting, in how different textures and colours and themes can be explored through the subject of a person. 

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