Thursday 8 September 2016

My Best Photographs

My Five Best Photographs

I think that this is one of my best pictures because I like the way that the model has been captured and the candid look that is created. This photograph features a model standing central to the photograph, looking almost forlornly at the ground with a camera in his hands. From this image one could decipher that the model may be feeling unhappy or perhaps simply thoughtful, due to the body language and expression on his face. 

This is another one of my favourite pictures that I took because I like the colour and texture that is created. This picture is of cracked paint work on a wall at college. The cracks and discolouration in the paintwork may link to the idea of decay and neglect, however it may also suggest that there is beauty in things that are old and broken, as although the wall needs repainting, it still makes for a beautiful picture. Furthermore, the colour orange also may link to the idea of autumn and nature, as it is a very warm colour.

This is another one of my favourite pictures that I took because I like the colour and texture that is created. It is very similar to the photograph above, however the paint is pink rather than orange. The colour pink may link to the idea of love, as it is a colour usually associated with love. The cracks and discolouration in the paintwork may also link to the idea of decay and neglect, however it may also suggest that there is beauty in things that are old and broken, as although the wall needs repainting, it still makes for a beautiful picture.

I like this photograph for many reasons, but mainly because of the vibrance captured in the models hair. The foreground of this picture features a girl with bright purple hair and dark clothes and makeup, and in the background a building and windows are visible. From the way that the model looks off into the distance, one may think that she is feeling thoughtful, or perhaps even happy due to the slight smile that is visible on her face. 

This is the last of my favourite pictures and I like it because of how the model stands out against the background. This picture features a girl with dark hair, clothing and makeup standing in the centre, with a building and some grass in the background. From this picture one could decide that the model may be somewhat aggressive, due to her overall stance and the way she looks straight into the camera with a cold expression.

My Worst Photograph

I think that this is probably my worst picture due to the fact that it is out of focus and the colours seem a bit faded. Due to this there is no real focus in the picture; nothing really stands out. In this picture you can see a girl standing in front of a building wearing a green jumper. She appears to be smiling. From this picture, one could assume that the girl is feeling happy due to the way she looks off into the distance with a grin. She's faced away from the camera which makes it seem very candid.

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